Monday, February 21, 2022

How does snoring affect your relationships?

 No matter how much you love your partner, snoring can still negatively influence your relationship. It doesn’t matter how good you two are during the daytime hours, but if you lie awake in your bed during the night hours while he snores away, you will eventually become resentful. Not only will the snoring disrupt your sleep, but it will also affect your productivity as you will feel sleepy during the day. And it is also possible that when you communicate or get angry about it with your partner, he may get irritated with you for harping on about something that is out of your control. Thus, people who have this annoying habit should begin snoring treatment asap.

When snoring is the problem, here are some ways this can create tension between couples.

Snoring and your relationship

The available data suggests that many couples worldwide get divorced because of snoring. In the US, snoring is the third leading cause of broken marriages. If one of the partners snore too loudly, then here are some ways it can put a dent in your relationship-

Sleeping in separate rooms-

If your partner snores loudly enough to disrupt your sleep, then you may choose to sleep in separate bedrooms. While it may sound like a reasonable solution to the problem, it turns out to be a wrong decision in many cases. It is so because sleeping separately results in loss of emotional and physical intimacy. As a result, the partners drift away, and the bonding loosens. Also, sleeping in different rooms can make the snorer feel lonely, unfairly punished, and isolated. So, you must be careful.

  • Resentment between partners-

If you decide to stick with your partner in the same room to avoid conflicts, you may end up feeling resentful. It usually happens when the non-snorer has tried everything like music, earplugs, and sound machine to deal with their partner’s habit but still can’t find a solution. In such cases, you may feel like you have done everything possible, but your partner, who is actually in the wrong, is not taking any action to combat the problem. It can lead to relationship issues.

  • Irritability due to sleeplessness-

Snoring not only affects the sleep of the non-snorer. But, it also influences the rest quality of snorers as the habit results from disordered breathing. Now, this doesn’t end here as poor sleep can affect your thinking skills, focus, mood, judgement, and ability to manage and handle stress. As a result, you and your partner are likely to indulge in more fights, putting unnecessary strain on your marriage.

Sleep is necessary not just for your well-being but also for your mood and mental health. However, if one of the partners snores, it can disrupt your rest and leave you irritated. Snoring can put a dent in your relationship by building resentment, causing miscommunication, and encouraging irritability. Thus, the habit must be treated immediately.