Monday, December 5, 2022

Best solutions to sleep with a snorer

 Snoring is a genuine concern. It not only affects the person who produces this wheezing noise, but also their partner who shares a room with them. The habit can prevent them from catching on to a good night’s rest and cause them to wake up cranky in the morning. This is not good as it can lead to a fight between you and your partner. So, to prevent this from happening, here are a few snoring solutions. Let’s have a look!

Tips on sleeping well with a snoring partner

  1. Sleep first: 

Some people only need quiet to fall asleep at night. Once they have drifted off, they won’t get up, even if someone is banging at their door. If you are one of these people who stays asleep once they have drifted off, you should go to bed before your partner. The simple enough trick can help you get a few hours of uninterrupted sleep so you can wake up refreshed in the morning.

  1. Anti-snore pillow:

Getting an anti-snoring pillow is another trick to sleep peacefully next to your snoring partner. They are ergonomically designed to support your neck and head. Thus, they can help improve breathing and open up obstructions. People considering gifting an anti-snoring pillow to their partners should find a comfortable one, as some individuals have reported experiencing neck pain after replacing pillows. 

  1. Tape a tennis bowl:

Some people snore at night because resting on their backs loosens their throat tissues. This causes airway obstruction that results in blockage. To treat this problem, convince your partner to sleep on their side. Still, if, despite trying, your partner switches to their back while sleeping, you can try tying a tennis ball to their back. It will stop them from rolling over and stop snoring.

  1. Wear Headphones:

Headphones are a better choice when compared with earplugs because of their noise-cancelling feature. Also, since headphones are big, they cover the whole ear. This makes it easy for you to focus on the sounds you are hearing, whether it is classical music or the sound of rain. For those who like resting on their sides, using wireless and comfortable headphones might be better.

  1. Change in sleep position:

For snorers, the worst sleep position is resting on the back. So, if your partner snores loudly at night, encourage him to alter his sleep position. Ask him to sleep with his head elevated as it pushes the jaw and tongue forward. Lying in this position can reduce or eliminate snoring.

  1. Help them with a healthy lifestyle:

Being overweight is a risk factor for snoring. If your partner is obese, you may want him to lose a few kilograms by practising a healthy lifestyle. For this, ensuring he eats a healthy diet is the key. Besides, reducing alcohol consumption, following a sleep schedule, and quitting smoking are also encouraged.

Snoring is an annoying habit that can lead to disruptive sleep. This is not good, as not catching on to seven to eight hours of sound sleep can harm your health.